Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Have at least four teams of two and have the stronger team member wear knee-high pantyhose on their head with an egg inside, held against their head--tight enough so the egg stays up.The member without the egg attached to his head is carried by the one with the egg (piggyback). He carries a rolled-up newspaper or magazine. The member...
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For this game, you can use any number of upfront volunteers that you want, sticks of chewing gum, huge leather yardwork gloves, and shopping bags in front of each person.Individual sticks of wrapped gum are placed inside the shopping bags, and each volunteer is given a pair of work gloves. The idea is to put on the gloves, pull...
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Inspired by David Letterman. For this game, you will need a video camera, a digital camera, and a number of items which you will launch into a lake or pool. Take a photo of the object, a watermelon for example, then videotape someone dropping it into the lake or pool.Choose 4 contestants; show them the picture of each item,...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Get several volunteers up front who claim to be hungry. Give them each a can of Spam (ew!). Award a prize to the first person to finish the whole thing. ("Winning" music is a nice touch in the background when you announce the winner;...
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