Play with teams, having them draw with toes or mouth.Variations: Draw with toes or mouth Play-Doh Pictionary--sculpt objects for your team to guess. Fruit Loop Pictionary--It's just like it sounds. Break up into teams and play Pictionary. But instead of using pens, pencils, etc. to draw, give each team a box or two of Fruit Loops cereal! It's fun...
Each contestant receives 2 straws and a cup of water. One straw is to be put in the cup and the other is not. However both straws are to be inserted in their mouth. Then they race to see who can suck the water out the fastest.Idea from Young LifeAlso see Straw Race
Have guys lie on their backs or sit on a chair with their head leaning back on a table and let girls decorate their faces with icing, candy sprinkles, and candles. Have someone hold a big mirror so the audience can see the artwork or use a video camera linked to a big screen. Let the crowd choose the...
Be like a cheesy game show host (with an assistant if you have one). Call contestants (outgoing kids) up front. They are given the choice to Dance or Dare. If the choose Dare, they draw a card from a pre-typed pile of "dares". If they choose to dance, they are given a dance and a costume prop (for disco,...
Small Group/All Play: Divide the group into 2 or more teams with 3-4 people on each team.Large Group/Up Front: Choose 2-4 five-person teams.Give each team a roll of masking tape and 30 balloons. On "Go!" have members of each team roll the masking tape (sticky side out) around one of their teammates below the neckline. Next, have kids blow...
On 3 people put stockings over their heads and Velcro or carpet tape over that. Leave room so that they can breathe. Put cotton balls on floor and have students roll around trying to get as many cotton balls stuck to their head as possible.Idea from Young LifeAlso, see Tape Head on the Audience games page.
Get 3 toddler toys that have all different shapes which have to fit through the right holes in order to get inside. Blindfold 3 volunteers and have them race to see who can finish the quickest.Challenge: Put all the pieces in one big pile.Added by Young LifeAlso, see Blinded by Money online pharmacy with best prices today in...