Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Each contestant receives 2 straws and a cup of water. One straw is to be put in the cup and the other is not. However both straws are to be inserted in their mouth. Then they race to see who can suck the water out the fastest.Idea from Young LifeAlso see Straw Race
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Get 3 toddler toys that have all different shapes which have to fit through the right holes in order to get inside. Blindfold 3 volunteers and have them race to see who can finish the quickest.Challenge: Put all the pieces in one big pile.Added by Young LifeAlso, see Blinded by Money (Click Here).
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On 3 people put stockings over their heads and Velcro or carpet tape over that. Leave room so that they can breathe. Put cotton balls on floor and have students roll around trying to get as many cotton balls stuck to their head as possible.Idea from Young LifeAlso, see Tape Head on the Audience games page.
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Two groups of students line up in the front of the room. Each one gets a letter hung around his or her neck on a card. All the letters in each group spell a word, but it's all scrambled up.At the signal, each group must arrange themselves to properly spell the word. The first group to do so wins.Added...
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A race to see who can break more balloons in a given time by sitting on them. Bring 2-4 kids up front with a leader behind each chair to place the balloons (from a bag or other container). Be sure to make the last one a water balloon!Added by Young LifeAlso, see Balloon Pass Smash (Click Here) and Balloon...
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Have 4 people come up front. Put sleeping bags over 2 of them as they stand on their knees facing each other. They have to wrestle each other to the floor.Next have the next two go, and finally, have a championship round. Usually, the heaviest person wins so try and pick people that weigh about the same.Added by Young...
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