This gross game is played up front with 2-4 teams of 3 people each while the crowd watches. You’ll need one large tub of creamy peanut butter and several bags of mini-marshmallows. (If you have students allergic to peanuts, shaving cream is a good option, but you'll need to use something other than marshmallows.)One team member must smear peanut...
For three teams, you will need:a kiddie pool5-10 boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal3 swimming caps3 jars of creamy peanut butter.Pour out the cereal into the kiddie pool. Have the smallest member of each team put on a swim cap. Pick 2 other team members that will be able to pick the smallest member up by the legs and...
Read portions of the poem, “’Twas The Night Before Christmas” like a Mad Lib. Ask your audience for words (parts of speech). Use a grease board to write words on. Have a sharp student come up and read the new “poem”. FYI: You will need – total nouns, - plural nouns, - adjectives, - verbs, and 2 past tense...
Use this up-front game before any holiday (so you have an automatic theme) to promote an upcoming event, or just for fun. Pre-select a theme to give students an idea of what sentence they’re about to come up with.Set up two dry erase boards up front. Get 4 students (2 teams of 2) to come to the front of...
Big Room Games, Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games, Sick And Twisted Games, Up-Front Games
Jello Belly Flop
In the winter, have a belly flop contest in a baby pool full of Jello. Lay a tarp over a big old mattress under the baby pool. You can have your whole group do it if it is a small group, or make this an up-front game with a few volunteers.Idea by Young LifeAlso, see Jello Twister buy minocin...
Get 4 students to come to the front of the room. On a table, for each person, have an oversized shirt, 2 oven mitts and a jar full of hard chewing gum (the harder the better, takes more time). Each member is to run from a certain spot up to the table, put on the oversized shirt, then the...
This is an indoor game for 2 or more players.The object of the game: Get your toilet paper to roll over the feather that is sticking out of the ground 12 feet away. (If indoors, simply tape the feather so that it will stand up on a small piece of thin cardboard.)The first player must toss the toilet paper...