Fill a large bowl with your choice of sardines, pigs feet, or frog legs (purchased at most supermarkets). We recommend a certain amount, like 10. Place another empty container at the other side of the stage or the other end of the room.The student has a designated amount of time to grab a sardine (or whatever you choose to...
Games & Icebreakers, Games With A Point, Sick And Twisted Games, Up-Front Games
Gross Domestic Product
MAIN POINT: There are many choices when it comes to living your life and what gods to follow, but there is only one God who is real: Jesus. We also taught that you don't have to taste everything under the sun to know when you have the real answer...the kid who picked the brownies KNOWS they are right without...
Introduce this gross game by saying you want 3 volunteers to test a new product: explain that Starbucks gives you lots of alternative drinks and Jamba Juice uses those cool huge blenders (if your area doesn’t have a Jamba Juice, you can refer to it or a similar store). If you combine these two, it will be a franchise...
Outdoor or indoor, this Upfront game can be used as a motivator for bringing the most friends, raising a certain amount for missions, or just for gross fun. Make sure to do it over a garbage can or a large tarp.Bring a handful of students (ones who are good sports) up front.Once students are up front tell them that...
Place a bowl of M&Ms in front of three contestants and explain that all they have to do is eat the most in 60secs (or the first one done). Before you say, "Go," tell them you forgot one thing: the ketchup. Pour some ketchup over the M&Ms, and even eat a couple if you've got the stomach for it.The...
Put enough chairs in a circle facing outward so that each person has one. On several chairs place a wet sponge or shaving cream. Play music! When the music stops, the students sit.We have the students sitting on a sponge eliminated and more students waiting to play come in.Added by TheresaSee Musical Squirt Guns (Click Here online pharmacy buy...
Grab a few volunteers for this messy up-front game. This game begins just like the regular Bobbing for Apples. However, immediately after bobbing for apples, the person bobs for marshmallows in a bowl of flour. The results are messy, so make sure the floor is covered with plastic for quick and easy clean up.Added by NateAlso, see Bobbing For...