Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Great game for limited space or if you're stuck indoors. Also good for smaller groups or over-nighters.The object of the game is to not get killed. It takes a lot of explaining, but once you get it, it will quickly become a favorite. You need at least 8 players to make the game interesting. You need a deck of...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Get several volunteers up front who claim to be hungry. Give them each a can of Spam (ew!). Award a prize to the first person to finish the whole thing. ("Winning" music is a nice touch in the background when you announce the winner;...
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This is a pool game where teams compete for the best time. Each team selects a champion who can stay on a tube the longest.One at a time, a champion sits in a tube, and when the timer starts, the opposite teams all try to tip over the champion WITHOUT TOUCHING HIM, only the tube.Time each champion, see who...
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Outdoor or indoor. Quick game that can be used in many different ways. Get as many white, 5-gallon buckets as you have teams. Turn the bucket upside-down. The object is to see how many of their team they can get to stand on the bucket for more than 3 seconds. The team with the most people off the ground...
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Use a men's size medium t-shirt, place it flat out on the ground, and see how many students can stand on the t-shirt with no body part touching off of the t-shirt.For extra large groups, you will need to have several t-shirts supplied for everyone to be able to play quickly.Our record stands at 17!Valley Chapel - Juneau, Alaska
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Have your group sit on chairs in a circle. Play really bad music (like Swiss accordion music). As the music plays, the group is given a loaded squirt gun. They pass the squirt gun around the circle. When the music stops, the person with the squirt gun is out of the game. However, as they leave, they have the...
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