Form teams of 10 players (ideally). Each person on the team gets a number on a 3x5 card or slip of paper from 0 to 9. The leader then calls out a random number. For example, we'll use the number “108”. The students holding those numbers – 1, 0, and 8 - run out in front and display the...
This game needs 2 teams – min. 4 and max. about 7. You need a wide hall or space and a row of seats down the middle. The chairs must be evenly spread out and face two sides of the hall alternating direction (the first faces the right, the next faces left, and so on). The number of chairs...
This game is based on the old "telephone game" but involves touch rather than hearing. No talking is allowed. Divide the group into teams of about six each. Each team sits in a line, one behind the other. The last person is shown a simple hand-drawn picture of an object such as a house, a cat, or a Christmas...
This game is played up front with 4 volunteers while the crowd watches. Before your group or event, place 4 buckets full of water at one end of the room or stage and 4 empty buckets at the other end. Bring your 4 volunteers up front and give one large disposable diaper to each.Have each volunteer stand at the...
Send 3 students out of the room and tell them to think of their favorite hobby, and that you'll interview them onstage so the audience can guess later. While they are out of the room, explain to the crowd that we all know that everyone’s favorite hobby is kissing, so let’s find out about their kissing. When each student...
This game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches.Need:Gum (3-4 pieces)flour3-4 cake pans3-4 kids.Bury the gum in the flour. Without using their hands, students find the gum and blow a bubble.Added by Young LifeAlso, see Gum Tag (Click Here).
Form teams of an even number. Prepare a balloon and a ring of elastic for each team. The elastic needs to form a circle big enough to go over a student’s body, but not so big that it’s too easy. Each teen must then keep the balloon off the ground while putting the elastic over their head, pulling their...