Wanna expose your students to some really strange tastes? Try Gerber Guess. Here’s how you do it.Before the game begins, rip the labels off of several jars of baby food. The number needed depends on the number of teams and the size of the teams. If you have two teams of 5 students each, you need 10 jars of...
The same rules as Dodgeball, but played with the big sized marshmallows. It’s a lot softer to get hit with a marshmallow than a big rubber ball. Plus imagine the fun of seeing and trying to dodge a hailstorm of marshmallows being flung your way! If you make it through without getting hit in this game, you are the...
This game is much like our "Fruit Basket Upset," "Identity," and "Newspaper Name Nail." Only, here, you work with a partner.All you need for this game is chairs. (Have them set up in groups of two around the room in a random fashion. Make sure there are two less chairs than students. If you have 18 kids, then only...
All you need for this game is a deck of playing cards for every 10 students, but the addition of some sort of martial arts music (like The Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon soundtrack) playing in the background really adds to the game.Split the crowd into groups of two players each. The two players will face each other. Each player...
Basically it is like musical chairs, but with a twist. First, set up the chairs in a circle with seats facing out then when the music plays, students walk around the chairs. (There needs to be TWO less chairs than students.)When the music stops, students scramble for a seat. Those who find a seat are safe until the next...
Get all sorts of “Little Debbie” treats and hide them around the church. Split the youth into groups according to the empty “Little Debbie” boxes. The group must then find the treat pictured on their box. The first team to come back with all their “assigned” treats wins a prize. Every other team gets to eat what they've found...
This game is played in water with as many people as you want. You will need a frisbee and two laundry baskets for the goals.Split your group into two teams. One side defends, and one tries to score. Toss a coin to see which team goes first. You will need someone positioned outside of the pool to retrieve the...