This is a group version of the “Paper-Rock-Scissors” game, with the elements being replaced with Santa, Scrooge, and Snowman. Here’s how you do it.Explain that the game is a lot like Paper – Rock – Scissors and that everyone should get a partner to compete against. Have the students stand back –to – back. Inform them that their options...
You can use this game up front during the Christmas Season to have lots of fun seeing if students can remember the basics about Christmas stories. Here’s how you do it.Bring three students up front and put them each in a chair FACING THE AUDIENCE. Tell them that they will each get to answer a question each round, with...
This game makes a great audience game for those times when you need to keep your crowd together. It will work for any size crowd; just know that the larger the crowd, the longer the game.Have an adult volunteer come up front to be the "caller". Ask all the students in the room to stand up. Tell them to...
This one is for you crazy…I mean brave…youth leaders out there!Put a large plastic tarp down on the ground and ask for 8 volunteers (girls work best here). Tell them they are merely going to race across the tarp; fastest one wins.Line them up and say, “Ready, set, oh wait a minute! I forgot the most important part.” Have...
Want a game that builds excitement as it goes? This one is for you. Play this as an upfront game for a guaranteed hit with your group.Bring 5 volunteers up to the stage. Have each volunteer sit in a chair on the stage FACING the audience. Each volunteer will then be blindfolded.Get an adult leader to pass in front...
Wanna great game that provides plenty of action? This is it! All you need is a lot of balloons (about 50 per team).Make sure each team gets 50 balloons that are all the same color. (For example, if you have three teams, you need 50 yellow, 50 red, and 50 green.) If you can, make the colors represent the...
If you are looking for something to do with that extra frozen turkey that got left over from Thanksgiving, play this game and every one of your students will have a blast!Buy a frozen turkey and thaw it “some.” Buy a cheap box of rubber gloves, so that every student gets a pair (just in case). Before the game,...