This game works great for smaller groups of students. All you need is a couple large bowls, some Alphabet Soup, a few paper plates…and some cleaning supplies. Here’s what you do.Choose two contestants from your group and put each of them in front of the two large bowls filled with Alphabet Soup. When you say go, the contestants bury...
Here’s a quick game that works in almost any setting…plus everybody gets to play. All you need is a hand towel (or dish towel). Here’s how you do it.Prior to the game, tie a small knot in the middle of a hand towel. (You may want to do this to several hand towels to speed up play.) Then, get...
This is an improv game that is played up front. To pull this off, you MUST buy periactin online periactin online generic choose 5 volunteers (adults and/or students) that are comfortable being on stage in front of others…and don’t mind acting goofy in public! Here’s what you do.Get all 5 of the volunteers up front. Select one of...
This is a really fun game that everyone can play, and possibly win, because athleticism counts for nothing in Mangle Tangle. Here’s how you do it.You need about 8’ of rope for every 2 students you have. So if you have 20 kids, you need about 160’ of rope total, that’s cut in 8’ lengths.When you get the rope...
Ask the Pastor - with a TwistIf you are in a setting where you want to tackle a tough topic in a light and/or fun way, try this one.Give each person a pen and a post-it note (or two). Instruct each person to write down a question they would like the Pastor/Leader to answer or discuss but might be...
This is a fun activity that can also double as a team work exercise as well. Split your group into teams of 5 students each. Give each team an IDENTICAL bucket that is filled to the EXACT SAME LEVEL with water. (ALL half full, or ALL 75% full, etc.)After the buckets have been filled, put them the EXACT SAME...
This is a really easy game to play that is usually good for some laughs. Here’s how you do it.Get the word out about this game to your students via email, text message, IM, phone calls, etc. (Text message works the best!) Tell them that all they have to do to win a great gift certificate (or CD, etc)...