Browsing Category:Mixers

As people enter the room, give everyone a pre-typed sheet of paper with each letter of the alphabet (x-optional) on the vertical left side.Example:A____________B____________C____________D____________Everyone attempts to find out something about others that starts with one of the letters.Examples:Jamal broke his arm in 6th grade.Alana plays basketball.Nissa’s favorite candy is Snickers.Evan’s dad is a dentist.Put the person’s name and info...
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MAIN POINT: This is a getting to know you game. Relationships don't go anywhere if you can't even remember what people tell you! This game also begins like the game Dollar Surprise (Click Here).Give 5-10 people increments of $1-3 each... secretly instruct them (like when everyone is arriving and just hanging out) to remember the 7th person they mingle with (small...
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Provide 12 film canisters (or similar small containers) for as many students as you have playing. Fill film canisters with different smells. Try 12 different smells (12 teams of 4-5 students), and 5 canisters of each scent (one for each team member).Apply scents on cotton balls. For example, tuna oil, sauerkraut, vinegar, limburger cheese - the smellier, the better.On...
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For this game, you will need the classic game Twister or a homemade version if your group is big. Every 'spot' is numbered and a list of questions about one's testimony and faith.Examples: When did you become a Christian? How have you shown or been shown grace recently? And random questions such as, which do you prefer, Burger King or...
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Buy enough Blow Pops (Blow Pops, not cheap suckers - students have to LIKE what you use) for three times the amount of students and staff you have. Take string or yarn, cut it at arms' width and tie them to the individual "Blow Pops." You now have enough "Blow Pop" Necklaces for each student and staff to have...
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This is a quick small group opener/activity--just a fun way of getting to know each other a little better.Get into a circle and select someone to begin, then move clockwise around the circle. The first person says two similar items like pizza and ice cream (both foods). The second person has to say the thing they like better out...
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MAIN POINT: Getting to know you.Large Group: Divide into groups of about 15. (Could do this by way of another mixer game that divides the kids into groups - ex. Barnyard). Hand each group a roll of toilet paper with the instruction that each person is to "tear off as much as he/she needs" with no clarification. Once everyone...
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