Browsing Category:Games With A Point

MAIN POINT: Motivator for positive self-esteem.Items Needed: buy avodart online avodart online no prescription Paper, markers or ink pens, and you can either use clothespins, tape or safety pins to apply the paper hands.You can either pre-make paper hands or have each participant trace their own hand on paper and pin it on their back. Then the whole...
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MAIN POINT: A great get-to-know-you game.Small Group game. Have your group sit in a circle with no open spots and one person in the middle holding a tennis or whiffle ball. The person in the middle calls out someone's name and throws the ball up in the air. The person whose name was called has to run to the...
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MAIN POINT: It really shows that everyone thinks differently and uniquely.Great game for Jr. Highers, travel, or creative kids. Can be played with just two people or up to 50. The game is simple but can get crazy and fun. The first person says a word...for example, "The." The second person says the first word and ADDS a word......
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MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.A youth ministry classic. Get a person to stand backward on a chair while the rest of the group prepares to catch him or her. Tell the person that they need to fall with their body as straight as possible, and with both hands across their chest, to avoid...
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