You could play this game with your audience, or play this game just like hot potato, with everyone sitting in a circle. The twist is you use jars of baby food. When the music starts, you begin passing the jar of baby food around the audience or circle. When the music stops, whoever is left holding the jar has...
This game is a near clone of the T.V. show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" with a few changes...All contestants know 1 or 2 weeks in advance what portion of the Bible the questions will come from. (We generally give 2 weeks' notice and often cover an entire book, such as one of the Gospels.)The Grand Prize is...
Use tape on the floor to design an "arena" and have all contestants take off shoes but leave socks on. You can have as many people participate; the more kids, the bigger the area should be.The object of this game is to keep your socks on as long as possible! There is no standing, so everyone is crawling around...
Go to your local art or party supply store and buy several of the biggest balloons they carry. (16" are cool, 3' are better). Divide the crowd in two. Have numerous staff throw the balloons in the crowd and have the crowd try to hit the balloons to the other side of the crowd.A fun twist to the game...
Cut up slips of paper with words on them and put them into a bag. Break up your audience or group into two teams. Get a volunteer from each team to spell the word he/she took out of the bag by moving their hips (spelling the words with their butts!). (Make sure they do not say a word to...