Browsing Category:Audience Games

Have two mattresses in the back of the room - one on each side of the crowd. Get a kid on top of each one and have the audience pass the mattress (with the kid on it) to the front.CAUTION: Have staff all around the crowd to catch the kid on the edges- very important to avoid any injury!Also,...
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Just tell the crowd that each individual row is a team (make sure all rows have at least 7 or 8 people in them). Then you tell everyone to organize themselves in their row by . . . (height, birthday, shoe size, age, # of speeding tickets, etc.). The first row to do it gets a point. Keep score...
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Just like it sounds. Tell the people in the crowd to "move right if . . ." (e.g. they are wearing green, if they're in eighth grade, if their birthday is this month, etc.) Be creative! (Move two seats to the left if . . . ) Kids will end up on multiple layers of laps or under others.Also,...
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I Need a Shoelace with a twist; can be played with small or huge groups. The up-front person divides teams (in audiences of rallies or other large gatherings you can make each section of chairs a group).The upfront person then yells out a demand for a somewhat common item that people might have on them. The first team to...
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Good game for a crowd or audience. Divide the crowd into three or four teams, each section with a captain. The game leader calls out certain eyes, likes to snowboard, has a 4.0, has red hair, etc.The captain of each team must quickly try to bring someone with that characteristic up to the leader. First, one to do...
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This game can be played with small or huge groups. The up-front person divides teams (in audiences of rallies or other large gatherings you can make each section of chairs a group).The up-front person then yells out a demand for a somewhat common item that people might have on them. The first team to bring up that item wins...
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