This game is very simple and can be played with two or more teams. Can do guys against girls. Pick a song theme - at Christmas choose Christmas songs; with a younger group you don't even need a theme, any song is open game - and let the singing begin.The object of this game is to keep coming up...
Much like "Toothpicks and Lifesavers." Give everyone a straw to put in their mouth. In rows or pews have them stand up and get ready to pass a small cup (Dixie cups work great) to the next person by using only the straw. The row to do this first, without cheating, wins! You can have a few people in...
Have two mattresses in the back of the room - one on each side of the crowd. Get a kid on top of each one and have the audience pass the mattress (with the kid on it) to the front.CAUTION: Have staff all around the crowd to catch the kid on the edges- very important to avoid any injury!Also,...
Just like it sounds. Tell the people in the crowd to "move right if . . ." (e.g. they are wearing green, if they're in eighth grade, if their birthday is this month, etc.) Be creative! (Move two seats to the left if . . . ) Kids will end up on multiple layers of laps or under others.Also,...
This game can be played with small or huge groups. The up-front person divides teams (in audiences of rallies or other large gatherings you can make each section of chairs a group).The up-front person then yells out a demand for a somewhat common item that people might have on them. The first team to bring up that item wins...
This is a great game to be done in a sanctuary with pews. Divide the crowd in half. Have several members from each side of the sanctuary go to the back of the room behind the last pew. Dump a pile (about 20 is good) of superballs in front of the first pew. The students in the pews must...
This is like the board game Taboo, but on an easel and a lot easier. Divide your audience into teams (if you have the typical audience with an isle down the middle, make one half "west side" and the other half "east side." Teams elect someone to be the stool person. Bring that person up and seat them on...