Browsing Category:Anywhere Games

Age old "Over Under Relay." Divide teams. On "go," each team passes the toilet paper, over the first person's head, under the next person's legs, over the next . . . unraveling it as you go. If toilet paper breaks, the person must tie it together before continuing to unravel.Also, see Snowball Fight on Anywhere page and Toilet Paper...
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For this game, you only need a boom box (sound system) and a fun, upbeat song. It's kind of like Musical Chairs, only more fun to MC.It works best with an even # of people. Have any "extra" be a judge, who stands on a chair for a better view.Students pair up with one standing in a circle and...
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MAIN POINT: This could tie into a discussion using the point, "Don't bite off more than you can chew or you'll lose your balance!" (Balancing priorities, etc.)Take a paper grocery bag and set it in the middle of the floor with the kids all around it in a circle. The object is for each youth to try and pick...
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Line students up and have them pass an index card or piece of paper down the line as fast as they can using only their mouths. You need to suck in wind to keep the card on your lips in order to pass it (by blowing out) to the next person in line. The first group to pass the...
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Divide group into teams of 4 to 6 kids. In a giant bowl, see which team can construct the most original ice cream concoction using equal amounts of ice cream products supplied by the staff. Afterward, award a prize to the team with the coolest sundae.THEN spring it on them that they have 5 minutes to see which team...
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A great travel or small group game. Stand or sit in a circle. Go around the room assigning the name of a person, place or thing to each person. The first person in the group begins to tell a story that they make up. Within 10 seconds that person must mention the person, place or thing assigned to them....
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