Browsing Category:Anywhere Games

I got this game from someone else so don't give me the credit. You partner up your students. They face each other and hold their hands in the "second phase" of a handshake, where they are basically holding each other's thumbs. They each stick out their index finger from the hands they are holding. Their feet have to stay...
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Everyone sits in a circle. Put different strips of paper with different things to do in a Christmas stocking (if it isn't Christmastime, you can use any kind of bag or container). Play music while the stocking is passed around the circle. When the music stops the person with the stocking has to do what he/she picked. You can...
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Description: This game is similar to the $1000 Bill Exchange (Click Here). For this game, you will need to make your own fake money. You will need to make enough "one dollar bills" to give each person five dollars. The goal of the game is to purchase candy priced at $9, $12, and $15. Provide two small-medium candy bars...
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MAIN POINT: buy imodium online no prescription  This is a fun game that challenges and encourages students to know and enjoy God's Word.Jeopardy was getting dull and Twister, while physically challenging, wasn't exactly challenging mentally, so I decided to put a little twist in Jeopardy and came up with, TWISTEOPARDY!For this game you will need: online pharmacy
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Ahead of time, blow up as many balloons as there are students on your bus. Play music and during that time students have to keep the balloons in the air.When the music stops, they have to grab a balloon. The first one to pop the balloon wins that round.We also had a surprise filling a few balloons with helium....
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