Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games, Swimming Pool Games
Water Ball
You can play this game like Dodge Ball or have wars using boxes as forts. Get a bunch of pool water balls (the...
Anywhere Games, Games & Icebreakers, Mixers
Appointment Clock
Create a clock on a piece of paper, and make sure you use one with hands to each of the twelve hours. Give...
Fun Event & Activity Ideas
Scavenger Trash Hunt
Here is a good way to clean up your church and have fun. Divide into teams or pairs. You can almost...
Ask The Source
How do we meet the needs of both outreach kids and growth kids for our weekly youthgroup meetings?
Jonathan,HELP!!! I am the Youth Director at our church and we just had our first youth meeting for the year! We...
Ask The Source
To Tattoo or Not To Tattoo?
I had a question, and was looking for your opinion on - Tattoo's, I had a student ask me about them, and me...
Ezine Archives
eZine 09.26.2006 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and...