Anywhere Games, Games & Icebreakers
Dodge Ball Variation “Danny Ball”
This variation of Dodge Ball is kinda like a “last man standing” version of the hit game. It is every man for himself…or...
Big Room Games, Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games
Long Base Ballganza
This game somewhat resembles kickball, with the use of cones instead of bases. It is best played indoors; a gym is perfect! You...
Games & Icebreakers, Up-Front Games
Who Wants to be a 256ionaire?
Just like the 'Millionaire' game, we played it in our youth group with some modifications.Get a bunch of general knowledge Bible questions. The...
Ezine Archives
eZine 10.17.2007 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles...
Movie Clip Discussions
Evan Almighty – Persecution
(Universal Pictures, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: When we choose to obey God and His will for our lives, we will face persecution- but...
Fun Event & Activity Ideas
Golden Bulbs
If you have never won an Oscar, this event is for you! Now you can host your own movie awards ceremony for...