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By Thom McKee

We’ve all heard the phrase, ‘Blood is thicker than water,’ as a reference to family and its importance. But what is family?

Is it only those in our lives related to us by blood? Or step out further than that – by marriage? Can family exist beyond these bloodlines or marital ties?

I’ve known many people in my life who aren’t close to any “blood” relatives, and whose marriages have ended in breakup or serious dysfunction. I’ve also known people whose loyalties to their “family” have been disrupted and shattered by sexual and physical abuse. What did family mean to my friend’s dad who lost his entire blood family in the Holocaust and was adopted by a loving set of strangers? Or my friend in Africa who is raising a girl as his own daughter whose biological parents died of AIDS?

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Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Chandler Riggs as Carl Grimes – The Walking Dead _ Season 8, Episode 8 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

by Thom McKee

You may have already heard two things about this week’s mid-season finale of season 8 of the Walking Dead. First you have probably heard that the show had the lowest ratings for a mid season finale since season two. This season alone, the show has lost millions of viewers. But second, you may have heard (major spoiler alert!) what happened to Rick’s son Carl this week. Actually, it probably happened a couple of weeks ago when he fought off some walkers with his new pal Siddiq, but Carl has been bitten by a walker. Yes, he was bitten on his torso which means no amputations (a la Hershel) and even Scott Gimple has confirmed that there will be no coming back from this bite. Carl Grimes is going to die very soon…

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by Thom McKee

Does God really have a plan for your life? You may believe in God, but not necessarily that He is involved in your life at all. Or you may be the type of believer that sees God involved in every decision including what shoes you should put on in the morning. But even a rough survey of people who believe in God (including some Christians) will fall all over this spectrum – God isn’t involved in our lives at all or God is involved in every minute detail

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by Thom McKee

Just the other day, my almost 12-year-old son announced to me that he and his friends were going to make a movie. When I asked him about the details, he said that they were going to make a “feature length film to be screened in movie theaters.” Now up to this point, he has made quite a few five to ten minute movies on his Ipad and has even screened a few at church and at school. He is very talented for his age. So I mentioned to him that if he made a longer film, we could probably find a way to screen it at the local movie theater (we live in a small town with one movie theater). Of course I also had to become a bit of a buzz-kill and remind him that it would take a lot of work. His reaction was very typical of a boy his age. He told me that

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by Thom McKee

Does how you die really matter?

How about how you live?

Let’s face it, death is a horrible thing that happens to all of us. But I have done enough funerals to know that some deaths are much worse than others. Usually, the younger the person is, the harder it is on those who love them. Deaths in mass shootings or acts of terrorism

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by Thom McKee

Have you ever made a decision that was hard to live with? I mean the type of mistake that kept you up at night. The kind of decision where you would give almost anything to have the opportunity for a do over. Most of us, at some point in our lives, have encountered this.

Living with guilt is something that most sane and rational people have had to deal with at one time or another. But it is figuring out what to do with guilt that really separates the genuinely happy people from the miserable ones.

On Season Seven, Episode 13 of TWD, we see

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Spencer-Negan-TWDby Thom McKee Jr.

Have you ever had to choose sides when it really mattered? I am not talking about Star Wars vs. Star Trek, or Dawn of the Dead

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vs. The Walking Dead (can I say that I like all of them?). I am talking about really having to choose sides. Maybe at work you have had to decide whether to side with labor or management. Or maybe at school you have had to decide whether to side with the popular kids or the nerds (not a difficult decision for me. Go nerds!).

I remember one time in Jr. High I even decided to

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