Outdoor & Big room. Do I need to explain this game? It's basic baseball with a wiffle ball and bat! You might ask me why I put it on the list even. I'll tell you: Come in real close so I can whisper it in your ear . . . BECAUSE IT'S FUN!!!Also see Rio Linda Wiffle Ball, Shaving...
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This game is kind of a reverse "Hide and Go Seek." Turn out all the lights. Have one person go hide. Everyone else is “it” and looks for this person. As soon as one person finds the person hiding, he or she hides with the person. Now there are two hiding.As soon as someone else finds them, that person...
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This works great in a gym with lots of lines or an AWANA circle.Rules: online pharmacy sildalis buy with best prices today in the USA -No one may step off the line.-When you are tagged, you are "dazed and confused". Sit down!-You may not go around anyone, including the dazed and confused unless you are 'it'.-You may not cut...
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This game is played like "Sharks and Minnows."Choose a 'used car dealer' or two (put a pair of plaid pants on them for fun) and have them pick 3 different car names (ie: Honda Civic, Chevy Cavalier, and an 82 VW diesel Jetta - my personal favorite.)Each runner picks one of these 3 cars and becomes that car. The...
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Great, simple time-filler involving everyone. All you need is a basketball court and a ball.Have everyone (up to 50 people) on the basketball court at once. If you have a huge group, you can have more than two teams, and play a tournament/elimination style. Play normal basketball but with the following rules:1. Only girls can shoot or score2. No...
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Buy between 2 and 4 bags of those little plastic insects and scatter them around the room. Call students ahead of time and tell them to bring a flash light, (or team up with those who have one). Turn out the lights and have them try to find the bugs. This game could be called "Animal Safari" if you...
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