Get a tractor tire tube (the bigger the better) and see how many people you can get on the tire at one time.Safety Note: online pharmacy purchase bactroban online no prescription Make sure that the tire stays in the middle of the deep end of the pool and have adult sponsors around the sides of the pool. You...
Have two mattresses in the back of the room - one on each side of the crowd. Get a kid on top of each one and have the audience pass the mattress (with the kid on it) to the front.CAUTION: Have staff all around the crowd to catch the kid on the edges- very important to avoid any injury!Also,...
Line students up and have them pass an index card or piece of paper down the line as fast as they can using only their mouths. You need to suck in wind to keep the card on your lips in order to pass it (by blowing out) to the next person in line. The first group to pass the...
Divide students into teams (however many you want) and form a line. Give each team a can of Spam. Have the first person in each line open the can and place the Spam under his chin, holding it against their chest. When you say "Go" they pass it to the next person's chin. (No hands allowed, except to pick...
Get a big inflatable croc and choose 3 volunteers who will each have 60 seconds, by themselves to do the best show of croc wrestling in the pool. Give points for creativity, death rolls, etc.Have an MC who can do a "Crocodile Hunter" (Steve Irwin) impersonation. Play safari music.Added by Purple Chris online pharmacy buy stromectol with best prices...
Six students on each team (2 teams) must divide out colors of a pound bag of M&M's and eat them in order of color. Example: First person opens the bag and sorts out all the red colors then passes the bag to the next person while scarfing (eating) his color! The team with all the M& M's eaten first...
Everybody but one person sits in a chair. The chairs are scattered all over the room. The person standing has a set of keys in his hand. With his other hand, he grabs someone's hand. This person gets up and follows the leader who weaves in and out of the chairs in the room. The person who has gotten...