Outdoor or Indoor. Same objective as British Bulldog (Click Here buy prednisone online prednisone online generic ), but you can't cross the center line and you convert people to your side by reaching over the line and pulling them to your side.Variation: Have someone sit down if they are pulled across.
MAIN POINT: TrustMore of a learning exercise than a game, the object of the game is for a small group to lift a person above everyone's head.One player is chosen to be "it" first. He lies on his back and stiffens himself while everyone else assembles around him. Together everyone lifts him slowly toward the ceiling as he maintains...
Everyone sits in a circle. One person is "it." He or she must walk over to someone and say, "Honey, if you love me you'll smile." They can make faces and noises, etc., but no touching or tickling.If the targeted person laughs while the person who is "it" says, "Honey, if you love me you'll smile", then they must...
You need chairs for this game. Have everyone sit in a circle. There should be one less seat than there are people, and the extra person stands in the middle. The person standing approaches someone who is seated and asks him, "Do you love your neighbor?" The seated person can answer two ways. If he says, "No," then the...
MAIN POINT: Either peer pressure or leadership and influence.Everyone gets in a big circle. Pick a volunteer to leave the room after you explain the game. Once that volunteer is out of hearing range, choose a simple task that the volunteer is to do when he or she enters the room (walk in and tie a certain kid's shoe...
Just tell the crowd that each individual row is a team (make sure all rows have at least 7 or 8 people in them). Then you tell everyone to organize themselves in their row by . . . (height, birthday, shoe size, age, # of speeding tickets, etc.). The first row to do it gets a point. Keep score...
Great for dividing into teams. Instruct your whole group to walk randomly around the room. About every ten seconds or so, call out a number. Everyone in the game must immediately form a group hug, made up of the number of people that you called. This sometimes leaves some people unable to form a group because they don't have...