Dump between $20 & $100 in change (depending on the number of students & your budget!) in a pool. At the whistle everyone jumps in and goes crazy trying to collect as much as possible.You can do so many variations of this with tokens, toys, sea shells, items worth more points, etc. online pharmacy purchase super-kamagra online generic ...
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.A youth ministry classic. Get a person to stand backward on a chair while the rest of the group prepares to catch him or her. Tell the person that they need to fall with their body as straight as possible, and with both hands across their chest, to avoid...
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.Create an obstacle course (a playground works GREAT) and get your students or leaders to go in pairs. One from each pair is blindfolded, and the other will lead him or her through the obstacle course by using only their voice.Added by Scott Street
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.The goal of this game is to help teach your students or leaders to work together by having them work as a team to cross a "river." First, using your gym or other space, you need a place to start from (a wall, lines in the gym, etc), the...
Break into groups of 10. Give each person a sheet of paper, marker, and a piece of tape. Have each person write a letter of the alphabet on the paper and tape it to the front of their shirt (to save time, have letters drawn on papers beforehand). Give the teams 4 minutes to come up with...
Outdoor or Indoor - preferably a big group for teams of at least 10 each.Run a long piece of rope (like a clothesline) through a dead fish. Make sure the end of the rope is pretty secure. Line up your volunteers shoulder to shoulder. Two teams facing each other. Volunteers must have t-shirts on. No spaghetti straps or long...
Each person receives an Alka-Seltzer attached to a string (make it into a necklace). For best results, we divided our students into 4 "armies".The field is divided into a huge square, outside of that huge square (4 corners) each army has a home base and a huge trash can of water to refill guns. The object of the game...