Hand everyone a pipe-cleanerEveryone take this pipe-cleaner and fold it into the shape of something that would represent how you feel this week. This is NOT contest of who’s the best artist. You can just make it into a letter C for “crappy.” You can make a heart if you feel loved. You can make...
Everyone think of two things about yourself that no one in the group knows. They don’t have to be embarrassing or personal . . . we’re going to share them with the group. They can be just random facts about yourself like, “I owned a poodle when I was a kid.” Or something that happened, like,...
One of the most common mistakes that Christians make today is that they carry their emotions on their sleeves. When someone wrongs us or says something hurtful, we hold on to it and allow the anger to build a Spirit of Offense. When we do this and don't forgive them, we suffer in our relationship with God.To get this...
MAIN POINT: This game helps students get to know one another and work on communication.Split the group into girls and guys. (Leader's are excluded, as you will be the panel of judges.) Put teams on opposite sides of the room. Dedicate one person from each group to be "it". Give each group 5 minutes to find out as much about "it"...
For three teams, you will need:a kiddie pool5-10 boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal3 swimming caps3 jars of creamy peanut butter.Pour out the cereal into the kiddie pool. Have the smallest member of each team put on a swim cap. Pick 2 other team members that will be able to pick the smallest member up by the legs and...
TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, March 1, 2005 In This Issue Featured Article: How Do I Know My Students Are Getting It?...
2003, Rated R for strong violence and battle sequencesMain Point: This is a good clip when talking about commitment, dedication, discipline, or purposeful living.Attention Grabber: Movie - The Last SamuraiAn American military advisor embraces the Samurai culture he was hired to destroy after he is captured in battle. Clip: "I have never seen such discipline." In this scene...