What you need:Unlike the photo above, you are going to need 3 pots of live fishing worms and one bucket.How to play:For this nasty game you need to recruit six volunteers and have them remove their shoes and socks. Place them in pairs and have them seated. There is one live worm pot for each pair. The first person...
TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, December 5, 2006 In This Issue Featured Resource: Another new "Elf" video clip discussion idea for Christmas,...
(New Line Cinema, 2003)Main Point of Discussion: Intimately knowing Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas.The Movie Clip: “Spotting the Imposter”This clip is a hilarious scene from the hit Christmas movie Elf. Will Ferrell plays Buddy, one of Santa’s real elves. In this scene we’ll see Buddy’s reaction when he sees a fake Santa.Optional Small Group Game/Opener:Welcome! We’re...
TheSource4YM.com Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, November 28, 2006 In This Issue Something You Can Use This Week: Hearing the Cries for a...
Movie Clip: Superman Returns, PG-13, 2006, Warner Bros.Main Point: Whether knowing it or not, we all need Christ as our Savior.Clip: They are crying for a savior.In this scene, Lois starts out by telling Superman that she doesn’t need a savior. She denies the purpose of Superman. Superman isn’t convinced that she’s examined all the evidence. ...
Have a digital timer and a bunch of easy to play board games (Monopoly, Sorry, Snakes and Ladders, etc.) - enough board games for every two people. Put each game on a separate table and have the tables arranged in a circle with two chairs at each table. Split your large group into two groups (example, the reds and...
Have two rounds (one with 3 boys and the other with 3 girls). In a separate room, have the preselected (secretly chosen) contestants get ready for the game before anyone has a chance to see them. Have each of them remove their shoes and socks and place their bare feet into a garbage bag with two holes cut out...