This game is a variation of the old faithful "Hot/Cold" game. One person is chosen to be "it" and asked to leave the room so they can't hear or see what is going on in the room. Take about 1 minute and pick an action as a group for "it" to do when he/she returns. (A Jumping Jack, Pick...
Contact all your students’ parents and have them send in a photo of their child as a toddler. This is HUSH HUSH, and their child cannot know the photos are going to be sent in.(When you start showing the pictures it gets the students all freaked out about which photo their parent might have sent in.)With all your photos...
We designed this game for our youth group because it works especially well as an active game that you can play in spaces with obstructions like poles in the way that prevent the space from being used for true gymnasium games.Set-Up:* Split into two equal teams and have them sit with their legs crossed facing each other.* Set up...
This is good “medieval times” game. But! No need to program a medieval night for this one, cause EVERY DAY is a good opportunity to pummel someone with a sock filled with flour!The optimal size for this game is 4 teams of 2 against 4 teams of 2 (in other words, 8 on 8).The kids are paired up to...
This game works great IF YOU BREAK THE TEAMS UP PROPERLY. The objective of this game is to have teams write a very short skit about something silly, and then act it out LIVE in front of the rest of the group.A huge key to this game is to split up your raging extroverts. A team that consists of...
Volunteers assume a character of their choice in this interactive singing skit. It's a great skit to use at the beginning of the year to introduce leaders. Others use this at church dinners or fund-raising banquets and get all their volunteer leaders up front to be introduced. Be creative with characters, adding folks who are unique to your specific...
Set to the tune of "Dueling Banjos", 2 volunteers light up their nostrils in a dark room for tons of laughs!Supplies: 2 volunteers 2 penlights the "Dueling Banjos" song off of the movie soundtrack Deliverance. Nice suit jackets or old tuxedos and ties Instrument cases (bigger the better) Q-Tips 2 chairs set center stageSkit:Volunteers enter stage very...