Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

This is an improv game that is played up front. To pull this off, you MUST choose 5 volunteers (adults and/or students) that are comfortable being on stage in front of others…and don’t mind acting goofy in public! Here’s what you do.Get all 5 of the volunteers up front. Select one of them to be the first actor. Ask...
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This is a really easy game to play that is usually good for some laughs. Here’s how you do it.Get the word out about this game to your students via email, text message, IM, phone calls, etc. (Text message works the best!) Tell them that all they have to do to win a great gift certificate (or CD, etc)...
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Advertise a “bear hunt” for your next group time. Get everyone excited. Here’s how you play it.Bring 4 girls up front and tell them they are going bear hunting. Bring out 4 bowls that are filled with lots of whipped cream and a few gummi bears throughout.When the leader says GO, the 4 girls must find the gummi bears...
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This game works great as an upfront attention getter.Place a large aquarium in the center of the stage and fill it with water and about 100 LIVE gold fish. Get 2-4 students (depending on the size of the aquarium) and hand them hats that have the small dipping nets attached to them. Tell them to put the hats on.When...
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In this game, get 4 pairs of students upfront, sitting behind a table FACING THE CROWD with a package box, scissors, wrapping paper, tape, and a bow in front of them.When the game leader says GO, each pair will have to gift wrap a present…using only one arm each! Specifically, one student must use only his left arm, and...
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You can use this game up front during the Christmas Season to have lots of fun seeing if students can remember the basics about Christmas stories. Here’s how you do it.Bring three students up front and put them each in a chair FACING THE AUDIENCE. Tell them that they will each get to answer a question each round, with...
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Want a game that builds excitement as it goes? This one is for you. Play this as an upfront game for a guaranteed hit with your group.Bring 5 volunteers up to the stage. Have each volunteer sit in a chair on the stage FACING the audience. Each volunteer will then be blindfolded.Get an adult leader to pass in front...
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