Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Bring at least two volunteers up front. Announce them as, "The Lemonade Machine". Have them each bring up a friend from the crowd to be their partner. Each "Lemonade Machine" sits in a chair with his or her head leaning backward and with their mouth open.At "Go!", their friend proceeds to squeeze one lemon, 1 spoon of sugar and...
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Have 3 people who know the object of the game hiding out of the room with a cup of water and a blanket. The leader then explains that he has found a rare creature (the hefalump) and that it is skilled in many areas. To build it up the leader starts to explain how people must be quiet and...
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Competitors hold just one hand behind their back, revealing the number of fingers at the signal. Whoever yells out the sum of the fingers wins the first round. For Round 2, multiply the fingers. Round 3 is the difference between the two numbers. Rotate through as many rounds as you want. For the left-brained at heart, the Championship Round...
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Announce these ahead of time. Include all the weird things kids can do (roll tongue three times, dislocate body parts, burp the National Anthem). Screen the volunteers before they go on stage and help them be great at what they do. Video record optional.Added by Young Life
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Put an extra large rubber band around the heads of several people (use common sense here; be sure it’s snug but not tight enough to snap - ouch!). Place it so it squashes their nose and folds their ears over. They can use anything to get it down around their necks except their hands (can use the wall, other...
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Like Long John Stuff, except with a T-shirt. Bring up 2 or 3 guys wearing t-shirts and have them each choose 2 or 3 friends to help them. Hand each group 10-20 balloons and instruct them to blow them up and stuff them in their designated team member's t-shirt.As each group stuffs balloons in their team member's shirt, he...
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