Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Up front and entertaining. Find four students who have strong stomachs--the type who claim they'll do anything!Place four blenders on a table on stage or up front. Have 20 different edible items placed in 4 different lunch bags. Number the lunch bags 1-4.Interview each student, asking them their school, their birthday and their favorite food. Keep note of who...
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CAUTION: This is a timed challenge, to see how quickly a normal amount of soda can be consumed, NOT a contest to see how much more liquid can be consumed. We strongly discourage the latter, as it can cause severe sickness when too much liquid is consumed!This game is played up front with a few people while the crowd...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Have several guys come up and have each of them select a "beautician" from the audience. Give the beautician beauty supplies: shaving cream, and other items if you wish (sprinkles, chocolate syrup, etc.). Have the beautician put the shaving cream in the guy's hair...
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File this in the "fun with a blender" category!Go to McDonald's and pick up 3 Happy Meals (the manager may even donate them if he appreciates youth work). Pre-pick 3 willing contestants and bring them up front. (Make sure you follow "Jonathan's Seven Sins of Game Leading" tips here- especially #2- being prepared and #7- making sure the entire...
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Outdoor or indoor (lay tarp if inside). Similar to Bobbing for Apples, only with gummy worms in a kiddie swimming pool.Fill the kiddie pool with water. Add one bag of gummy worms, which will sink to the bottom.Have volunteers take turns at bobbing for the worms. The person who can get and keep the most worms in their mouth...
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Need: buy zovirax online no prescription buy cellcept online no prescription pharmacy Two pairs of nylons and five pounds of flourPrepare: Pour half the flour down one leg of nylons and the other half down a leg in the other pair of nylons. Mark an area on the floor for the match.Play: Select two volunteers....
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