For this game you'll need:2-4 large buckets or plastic tubs filled with ice and water.2-4 bags of marbles (depending on the # of buckets used).Students have 15 (or 30) seconds to fish marbles out of ice water with their toes.Have a youth worker with dry towels close by to dry each player's feet.Added by Joy TribbeyYoung Life variation: Students...
Have a contest between several students, eating a hanging caramel apple blindfolded. The object is to see who could get done first! For a fun twist, give one of the kids or leaders a caramel ONION instead of an apple!Added by NaomiAlso, see Bobbing for Caramel Apples (Click Here).For a twist in the game, see Caramel Apples on a...
This game can be a relay, but I personally think relays just take too much time and leave kids standing there bored . . . so I usually do this as an up-front game for everyone to watch a couple of people do.Tape two lines on the floor about 15 feet apart. Have ready two pair of pantyhose and...
MAIN POINT: You can use words from your topic or lesson to introduce the subject.Just like it sounds! Pictionary, but with Play-Doh. Divide your group into two teams. Have a representative come up front from each group. Whisper a Pictionary word (like "dog") to the group and they must run back to their group and, without talking, mold that...
Bring up three pairs of people. Have one person in each pair sit in a chair and take off one shoe and sock. Now have the other person in the team lay on the ground. Place a napkin next to them, with around 10 - 15 Cheetos cheese snacks.The object of the game is to have the person with...
Lay plastic on the floor for this gross up-front game and set up so everyone can see.Have pairs lie down head to head and feed ice cream to the person behind them. The first team to empty their bowls wins. This gets messy only on the fed person's face…and neck…and chest.You may want to make sure you've got live...
In most hardware stores you can buy the pink plunger part separate from the stick. So get two plunger ends for every stick. Put one plunger end at each end of the stick. Tie a tennis ball by about 2 feet of string to the middle of the stick.Pull up either 4 or six students, in order to make...