Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Six students on each team (2 teams) must divide out colors of a pound bag of M&M's and eat them in order of color. Example: First person opens the bag and sorts out all the red colors then passes the bag to the next person while scarfing (eating) his color! The team with all the M& M's eaten first...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Have volunteers put one hand in a pot of live fishing worms in moist dirt, while eating gummy worms from a bowl with the other hand. The first one to eat 10 gummy worms without taking their other hand out of the real worm...
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Just like tug-o-war, but a one-on-one competition with fish. Buy a bunch of dead fish (at least 6 to 8 inches long) from the local fish market and pair people up (use everyone if your group is small, but 5-10 pairs UP FRONT if you have a large group).At "Go!" everyone starts tugging. The first person to let go...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Get several volunteers up front who claim to be hungry. Give them each a can of Spam (ew!). Award a prize to the first person to finish the whole thing. ("Winning" music is a nice touch in the background when you announce the winner;...
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