Bring 3 students up front and have each get down on all fours (like a dog) facing audience (or sitting on knees on chairs behind a table if you have a large crowd).Give each player a pinch-type clothespin to put in their mouth so the clothespin can be opened and closed with their teeth. Put bowls with 10 to...
Have several people come up and sit cross-legged; the weight guesser lifts each one of them, holds them for a few seconds, then puts them down and guesses. (It goes without saying these should be people secure about themselves.) On about the 3rd person, slip a pan of water under the person being lifted before they get down.Added by...
Upfront: Pick a 4-person team from each class.Small group: Break group up into 4-person teams.See how long they can keep one square of toilet paper in the air by blowing it. Or you may have one person stand on a chair and drop the paper to a person standing on the floor who blows the paper up while the...
Divide into teams of 5 to 7 people. Have the members of one team leave the room while the others think of a situation which can be acted out without words (see below for ideas). Then bring in one person from the team that was sent out of the room. Explain the situation he or she will be acting...
Bring three guys up front and somehow attach 32 oz. cups around their necks. Put three blindfolded girls in the back of the room (or a good distance away if you're in a large room) and give each of them a dozen hot dogs each. The girls throw the dogs to the guys who catch them in their cups...
Same as Golf Phwack online pharmacy arava for sale no prescription (Click Here online pharmacy no prescription ), but with a few twists. I created an oversized golf green on an overhead. Different areas were worth different points. We then had people come up on the stage and take a pitching wedge and aim at the back...
Bring 3 volunteers up front. Have a table set up in front with 3 large bowls filled with whipped cream. Tell all that each bowl is filled with whipped cream and has chocolate hidden inside. The volunteers have to find the chocolate without using their hands and eat it. The first one to finish eating the chocolate wins.The twist...