This game can either be played as an up-front game or as an all-play game. Either bring 4 people up front or break your group up into even teams of 4-6. Each team nominates one volunteer. Each volunteer puts on a very large pair of overalls or pants (way too big for them). Duct tape the bottom of the...
Bring 3 willing girls up front. Once there, split the rest of your group into teams. Give each team four rolls of toilet paper. The object of this game is to dress up these volunteers in a full wedding gown including veil, train, bouquet, etc., all using toilet paper. Then have them model their new wedding gowns around up...
Outdoor or Indoor. More Fear Factor! Have good prizes to motivate the contestants - they'll need it! (We used gift cards from popular restaurants, hang-out spots, and movie theaters.)Set up approx. 10 stations of the contest in increasing stages of scariness or grossness.Suggestions:Free Fall: Contestant stands on a raised platform and falls backward into arms of catchers. (eeeaasssy)The proof...
The object of the game is to be the first team to fill a small pitcher/cup up with water (too big of a container makes the game drag too long). Water must be squirted into a volunteer's mouth using super soakers and squirt guns, then spit into the pitcher. Have the squirters stand about 12 feet away from spitter...
Have 3 or 4 kids put one end of an ordinary drinking straw in their mouths. Have them all start at the same time and try to get their mouth from one end of the straw to the other without using hands, only mouths and tongues.Idea from Young LifeAlso, see Straw Game
Does this game ever get old?? Not as long as 6th graders keep getting promoted to youth group!To set up, use a table that extends in the center, or place two card tables 10-12 inches apart and drape with sheets to the floor. Cut a hole in the sheet for a person’s head to come through. Place three buckets...
This is done with partners. Have a few volunteers come up front or do this with everyone in the room. The girls lay on the floor with a coke cup on their forehead. The guys kneel beside the girls and put their forehead on the other end of the cup. From this position, the couple must try to stand...