See who can eat the most powdered sugar donuts without licking their lips. There is no time limit, but as soon as a person licks his/her lips, they’re eliminated. (8 is the most we had one night!)Added by Angela NucklesAlso see Donut Line (Click Here), Donut on a String (Click Here).
Wrap up two or more people in Saran Wrap so they can't move their legs at all. You can wrap loosely all the way up to their shoulders but leave their arms free. (Leaving their arms free is the safest way but some groups have wrapped arms too. These groups had extra staff assigned to watch and spot the...
Played like Bobbing for Apples, only you put caramel apples in the container instead. A sticky and fun mess!Added by Angela NucklesAlso see Caramel Apple Fest (Click Here buy zantac online no prescription ), Caramel Apples on a String (Click Here).
For this game, you need a table, and 3 of each: volunteers, chairs, chocolate bars, blindfolds, and pairs of latex gloves.1. Have contestants sit in a chair, the wrapped chocolate bars in front of them.2. Explain that whoever unwraps the bar and builds a tower the fastest is the winner. The tower can be one on top of the...
Pick 2 volunteers. Place sleeping bag upside down and over their heads. On "Go!," contestants try to get out of the bag. The first one to wiggle completely out wins. The only rule is that they must keep their hands inside their pockets at all times or they will be disqualified. Winner gets a prize.Added by Dan MannsSee also...
You need as many pairs as you have supplies for, which are soda, squirt guns, and optional protective gear.The goal is for each pair to have a squirt gun filled with a soda. One person tries to unload the entire contents of their squirt gun into the open mouth of their partner standing 5-10 feet away. Have three or...
Give 4 kids a piece of shoelace licorice with a marshmallow tied to one end of it. On a signal, each person puts the loose end of the licorice in his mouth and "eats" his way to the marshmallow. The first two to reach it go on to the finals.Added by Jesse DanielsAlso, see Donut on a String (Click...