A silly game - Simon Says meets Paper, Rock, Scissors.STEP #1: One person is the Top Monkey (they make a motion scratching both armpits like a monkey and encourage the crowd to do the same) and they stand in front of the crowd and explain that they are Top Monkey and that all the animals in the jungle want...
(aka Michelin Man Bumper Tube)This is basically Sumo Wrestling for poor people. Two players battle each other, each holding a tube like a belt or belly. Draw or rope off a small circle that they try to bump each other out of.Also, see TubeMania (Click Here).
Set up a single "bowling alley" in your room. This can be as simple as using masking tape lines for gutters. Then set up empty (or full, if you’re brave) two-liter soda bottles for bowling pins. If you want Halloween colors, use orange soda, and a cola, and tear the labels off. Test out a few pumpkins and select...
This is a take on something Jay Leno has done on the Tonight Show: Download pictures of unusual (but not inappropriate) items from eBay. Make note of the price, but don’t show that on the screen.Show a picture of an item for sale and list a price out to one side. Ask the audience to guess if they think...
Bring 4-6 students up front. Give them each one (or two) Ho-Ho's and a glass of milk. Let them know that this is a simple contest of "the first one done with the Ho-Ho's and milk WINS!" Yell "Go!" and let the games begin!Also, see Baby Bottle Burp (Click Here).
To understand this game you may need to know the history. The other night, my leadership team and I were setting up for our outreach event. One leader (who had just returned from the Florida Gatornationals Speedway) was vacuuming the floor when an idea hit him. He began to do vacuum cleaner drags. Then he "trained" the vacuum cleaner...
Outdoor or Indoor. Ten Bags of Doom doesn't take much set up time, just a lot of clean up. This works great as motivation/marketing for a certain event.Pick a staff guy everyone likes to tell the students that if they bring a certain number of their friends to a certain event, they get to give him the "Ten Bags...