Browsing Category:Sick And Twisted Games

You can use as many contestants as desired but it's best with an audience cheering them on. The contestants place a knee-high pantyhose stocking over their head and face(like a bank robber) and are given a banana. They race to see who can eat the banana through the nylon first. Have a camera ready!Added by Trish BarnhartSee Banana Barf...
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Arrange several pairs of students up front. One partner gets whipped cream spread (or sprayed) all over his or her face. The other partner stands back about 5 feet and throws Cheetos on the whipped creamed partner's face (they stick!) in a given amount of time. Whoever ends up with the most Cheetos on his or her face wins.Added...
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Split your group into several teams. Give each team a platter and a few cans of alphabet soup, or for a less messy option, a box of Alphabits cereal. Each team must sift through the goo to spell words or make numbers.You can give points a number of ways:- words of three letters- words of four letters- words with...
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