Everyone gets a chair and forms a circle, everyone sitting in their chair and facing the center of the circle except for 5 guys and 5 girls who start the game. (They are in the middle, standing).At a whistle all students in the center of the circle run to the people sitting in the chairs and "pull-up" a person...
Divide into teams of 15 or 20. Have students stand in order between two lines that are 18 inches apart. On the signal, #1 changes with #20, #2 with #19, etc. without moving outside of lines. Be sure that #2 and #19 don't move until #1 and #20 have made it to their new places, and so on and...
Great Travel Game, but can also be played in a group.List on a blackboard, overhead, or handout the following state nicknames (and others you may know) from auto license plates. Divide the group into teams to identify the correct state for each name. The team that correctly identifies the most states wins the game.You can play the game several...
You can make this a class competition. Mount a Polaroid on a tripod that must be held stationary on the same spot. Explain to each class or team that they must try to fit as many people as possible into the view of the camera. The winner is the team with the most in the picture.Added by Young Life...
Split the group into teams and hand out a newspaper to each. Call out different things that they need to find. Whoever finds their item/word first gets a point. You choose who wins after so many points.Two cautions: online pharmacy https://cosmeticlaboratories.com/wp-content/uploads/revslider/templates/360panorama/seroquel.html with best prices today in the USA Ink from newspapers can be slightly messy and get on...
For this game, you can use any number of upfront volunteers that you want, sticks of chewing gum, huge leather yardwork gloves, and shopping bags in front of each person.Individual sticks of wrapped gum are placed inside the shopping bags, and each volunteer is given a pair of work gloves. The idea is to put on the gloves, pull...
Get the group seated in chairs in a circle and give each a grocery bag. Say that you are going to have an endurance test to see who can last the longest. Each person is told to place the bag over his or her head to minimize embarrassment. Then tell them to take off something that they didn’t wear...