Take 3 people out of the room. Tell the crowd to ask questions to them to figure out what’s in the bag when they return. Bring one kid in and tell him/her to try to really sell what’s in the bag without giving away what it is. The crowd knows it’s toilet paper (or 3X underwear).Backstage, you’ve told your...
Bring 2 or 3 guy/girl teams up front (works great with dating couples). Have each guy kneel in front of a girl and try to talk her out of putting a pie in his face. Clue each girl ahead of time to let him go for a while.Get the audience to egg each girl on.Also, see Pie Roulette (Click...
This game is played up front with 2-4 students (who won't mind getting messy) while the crowd watches. The students race, sitting at a table with a pie and a fork. Say, "On your marks, get set…" then stop and take away the forks. Repeat and add whipped cream. The last time, have them put their hands behind their...
Get several guy-girl teams to take turns feeding each other bananas while all are blindfolded. First, let boys feed girls. Then get girls to feed boys, but first, take off the girls' blindfolds. Boys get it in the ear!Added by Young LifeAlso, see Bobbing for Bananas (Click Here).
Bring 2-6 volunteers up front and put a glob of shaving or whipped cream on their noses. Place them strategically around the room. With squirt guns, they must try to shoot the shaving cream off the nose of the person on their right. Clearly explain that if they start shooting the crowd on purpose, they will be eliminated. You...
Pick 3 contestants out of the audience and send them to another room. You'll bring these contestants back in one at a time, after you explain the game to the audience, saying that when the first two contestants come in everyone has to "moo" at them. When the final person comes in, no one in the audience is to...
Have a huge bowl of Jello up front, 3 students, and 3 small jars. Each student gets a straw. The object is to see which student can get the most Jello into their personal jar by slurping it out of the mother bowl and spitting it into their jar. Give them a certain amount of time, then compare jars...