Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

MAIN POINT: Sin, though forgiven, almost always has consequences that aren't usually "shrunk" easily.This is a good camp game. Divide your group into teams. Give each team a large, new bar of soap. Provide one or more kiddy pools filled with water. On "Go!" have teams race to shrink their bars without breaking them. Call time after 5 minutes.Award...
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Each contestant receives 2 straws and a cup of water. One straw is to be put in the cup and the other is not. However both straws are to be inserted in their mouth. Then they race to see who can suck the water out the fastest.Idea from Young LifeAlso see Straw Race
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Great game for a small group. Everyone in the group is given a sheet of paper and a pen. They are given 3 minutes or more to draw what they want. But the lights are all turned out during the time of drawing. The pictures are judged and the winner gets a prize.Idea from Young LifeAlso, see Blind Shoe...
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Divide group into teams of 4. Give each team a pair of pantyhose and explain that they will have 2 minutes to place as many personal items as possible into the pantyhose without tearing them. Each item should be inserted through the waist end of the pair of pantyhose. Declare the team with the most items inside the pantyhose...
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Get 3 toddler toys that have all different shapes which have to fit through the right holes in order to get inside. Blindfold 3 volunteers and have them race to see who can finish the quickest.Challenge: Put all the pieces in one big pile.Added by Young LifeAlso, see Blinded by Money (Click Here).
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