Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

You can use as many contestants as desired but it's best with an audience cheering them on. The contestants place a knee-high pantyhose stocking over their head and face(like a bank robber) and are given a banana. They race to see who can eat the banana through the nylon first. Have a camera ready!Added by Trish BarnhartSee Banana Barf...
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Arrange several pairs of students up front. One partner gets whipped cream spread (or sprayed) all over his or her face. The other partner stands back about 5 feet and throws Cheetos on the whipped creamed partner's face (they stick!) in a given amount of time. Whoever ends up with the most Cheetos on his or her face wins.Added...
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Get four students up front with many clothespins. They have one minute to put clothespins all over their face. The one with the most clothespins at the end of the designated time is the winner.Also, see Clothespin Bite Relay (Click Here) & Clothespin Mixer (Click Here).
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Get as many T-shirts as you want to do (2-6). Soak them in water and wring them out until damp (if you leave them too wet students can't play the game). Fold them up nicely & place on wax paper inside your freezer for at least an hour.Game: buy online no prescription pharmacy Have 2 teams...
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Get five or more guys to be blindfolded 'horses' and five girls to be riders. Riders will try to guide their horse to another horse and rider to "blast them!"Here's how it works: buy topamax online no prescription After blindfolding the "horse," the rider puts a cup of ice (ammo), in the horse's mouth. The rider guides...
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Teamwork counts on this game. Choose 4 or 5 sets of two-person teams. Hang the same number of apples (or caramel apples) as teams that you have from the ceiling with a string. Make sure that they are secure. Once you say, "Go!", the two people will try to finish their apple before the other teams. The first team...
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