Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Give everyone a number. They have to arrange themselves in numerical order by communicating with each other without speaking or holding up fingers. They make up their own sub-language or sign-language and it often is pretty amusing. For Round Two, have people arrange themselves in order of birth or in calendar months (like the game, Mute Organization).Added by Youth...
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This game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches.Put the inside of an egg inside a large surgical tubing. Have two students on opposite ends blow into the tubing until the egg blows onto someone's face.Safety Note: Use an egg substitute (like Eggbeater's) to avoid bacteria or chance of salmonella. Have moist washcloths and...
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Crowd breaker. Have students get into groups of 5 to 10. Have them select one student who will wear a shower cap. Have the group place 2-sided tape all over the cap and then cut either brown or black yarn to be placed on the tape on the cap to look like a mullet. Then have the mullets come...
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Excellent indoor game for large groups in a large room, especially during rainy weather. Divide the group into two teams. Set up a volleyball net (or a rope across the room if you don’t have a net) so the top of the net is approximately 5 feet above the floor (shorter than the norm). Each player is instructed to...
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Hand everyone a playing card as they come in. During the mixer call out different combinations that they have to form a group with. Example: four of a kind, a flush, two pairs, etc.Option: Once they get in their group, have them answer a pre-planned ice-breaker question. It could be something fun and related or unrelated to the discussion...
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For this game, you need a cell phone (preferably w/a speakerphone) and a sound system.Bring a student up-front. Have them use your cell phone (you have to be able to hear the person on the other line) to make a live call to a friend of their choice. They will identify where they are and what's going on (“I'm...
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