Line up kids behind the diving board. Just like the basketball game "PIG" (or HORSE) the first person says what they are going to try to do. If they do it the next person has to do the same dive, flip, or whatever they did. If they also do it correctly then the next person has to do it...
Fill large bowls with freezing ice water. Add small round hot dog slices. Call three teams of two up front.One player needs to sit in a chair with a bowl on the ground directly in front of them. The same player also needs to remove the shoe and sock from one of their feet. The second team member kneels...
Materials: bubble gum and a towel or twoThis can be played as an up-front game or, with smaller groups, everyone can play.Divide your group into groups of 4 or 5. Ask for two very brave volunteers out of each group (don't tell them what they're volunteering for). Give them a plate or flat dish (we used cookie sheets). Give...
For this game you'll need:2-4 large buckets or plastic tubs filled with ice and water.2-4 bags of marbles (depending on the # of buckets used).Students have 15 (or 30) seconds to fish marbles out of ice water with their toes.Have a youth worker with dry towels close by to dry each player's feet.Added by Joy TribbeyYoung Life variation: Students...
Have a contest between several students, eating a hanging caramel apple blindfolded. The object is to see who could get done first! For a fun twist, give one of the kids or leaders a caramel ONION instead of an apple!Added by NaomiAlso, see Bobbing for Caramel Apples (Click Here).For a twist in the game, see Caramel Apples on a...
This game can be a relay, but I personally think relays just take too much time and leave kids standing there bored . . . so I usually do this as an up-front game for everyone to watch a couple of people do.Tape two lines on the floor about 15 feet apart. Have ready two pair of pantyhose and...
A classic pool game that is fun for crazy participants, but slightly more entertaining for the onlookers.You must have a pool with a diving board and is large enough for people to dive into. Whoever wants to play lines up outside the pool. Going one at a time, the player must get a running start and get a good...