Have your group sit on chairs in a circle. Play really bad music (like Swiss accordion music). As the music plays, the group is given a loaded squirt gun. They pass the squirt gun around the circle. When the music stops, the person with the squirt gun is out of the game. However, as they leave, they have the...
Line students up and have them pass an index card or piece of paper down the line as fast as they can using only their mouths. You need to suck in wind to keep the card on your lips in order to pass it (by blowing out) to the next person in line. The first group to pass the...
Divide group into teams of six. Have them build a pyramid (three people on the bottom, two in the middle, one on top) and walk across a certain point (only needs to be 10 or 15 feet away), turn around and walk back, all while in the pyramid. The first team done wins!
This game can be a relay, but I personally think relays just take too much time and leave kids standing there bored . . . so I usually do this as an up-front game for everyone to watch a couple of people do.Tape two lines on the floor about 15 feet apart. Have ready two pair of pantyhose and...
This game is water polo with a small watermelon (or small greased watermelon). Have fun and be safe!Added by Jon Perrin, Plano, TXAlso, see Water Polo on the Swimming Pool Games page, and Melon Fest on the Upfront Games page.
This game requires at least a good handful of people and a chair for everyone. Have everyone sit in a circle. Then select a person to go into the middle. When you say "go," they are to try to go back to their seat.Everyone slides their tush (shuffles their buns) over to block the person from sitting in the...
Gross Balloon VolleyballAll you need is a volleyball court or something similar, water balloons, and lots of gross liquids and sauces (except Tobasco).Add things to all of the water balloons like ketchup, mustard, syrup, chocolate syrup, salad dressing, anything you want. The grosser the better. (Fill the gross stuff first - then the water.)The object is to throw the...