MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGet a spool of string or yarn. Have each person answer a question of some sort when they have the string in their possession. They then hold onto the string and throw the ball/spool to another so they can answer the question. You eventually create a web of some sort. In the end, describe...
Small Group mixer. Have everyone sit in a circle as close as they can get. Have each person give their name and make sure each name is clearly said so that all others can hear it. After going through the names once or even twice, have someone start in the middle by asking someone to call the name of...
Great "getting to know you" and memory game. Everyone is in a circle and each takes a turn saying their name and something about themselves (example, "Hi, I'm John and I play football"). The next person needs to say the previous person's name and item of interest before saying their own name. For example, "He's John, he plays football...
MAIN POINT: Getting to know you.The object of this small group game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group in a fun atmosphere.A person states three things about himself. Two must be true and one a lie. For example: "I was born in South Africa. I have a green card. I have a dog named Bubba."The...
Each player writes a fake name on a slip of paper and then passes it to the judge. After the judge receives all the slips, he mixes them up and writes the names on the board. The judge picks a person to start. This person chooses someone in the game and guesses what their name might be. "'Bob', I...
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGood small group game. The object is to get individuals to share unknown things about themselves in a safe environment. Each player writes down a little-known truth about himself. The paper slips are handed in and read aloud one at a time. The slips are then read a second time, and players write who...
Same as Find Someone Who (Click Here) but the "Find Someone Who's" are organized in Bingo rows on a piece of paper (a Find Someone Who Bingo Card). First one to get 5 across, down or diagonal wins.Variation: use Christmas-related items such as 'wearing green' or 'going on vacation for Christmas' in each of the boxes.