Browsing Category:Big Room Games

Conjure up something with a circumference of about 20 feet, (such as 2 tables pushed together or rope wrapped around 4 chairs). Blindfold two people and dress them in helmet and pads for safety. Put them on opposite sides of this circle. Both must always be touching it. Designate one to be "it" and have the bystanders shout to...
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Outdoor or Indoor. This game is a normal game of tag with an added twist. When "it" tags someone, the person becomes part of "it." Then the two of them must run hand in hand and catch their next victim who will join them. The last one caught by the "Blob" is the winner!Also, see Amoeba Race online pharmacy...
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You can either run this game as an UPFRONT GAME, entertaining the audience, or divide your whole group into even teams and have each team select a volunteer - preferably a small, light one. Give each team a roll of duct tape. The object is to tape a team member up on to the wall, using no more than...
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Supplies: A soft ball for kicking and something to mark the boundaries with...masking tape (for inside) and spray paint (for outside).Play just like the table game only with real people linked in rows. Split the kids into two teams, have a captain decide who goes in which rows and how many in each row. Each entire team faces one...
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Works best in a large gym. You need a few soft (nerf) balls and as many flashlights as you have people, if possible.With all the lights turned out, give everyone a flashlight. The flashlights must stay on at all times. The person that is "it" gets the dodgeballs, BUT NO FLASHLIGHT!"It" has to stay in the center circle and...
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