All the players pair off, lock hands, and try to tap the top of one of their partner’s feet with their own feet. In other words, one player tries to step on the other player’s foot while their hands are clasped. Of course, since players are also trying to avoid having their feet stepped on, they are all hopping...
MAIN POINT: To hold up the person in the middle and keep him safe from falling.If you have lots of students, make groups of about 15. One player is chosen to be "it" first. A tight circle of players is formed, alternating physically strong and weak people. The person chosen to be "it" goes into the middle of the...
This is the same as the old TV version of the same name. It's played like Pictionary, either guys against girls or team against team.A word is given to one member of each team who tries to draw symbols and pictures to lead his/her team to say the word that was given to them. You may not use numbers,...
This game sounds confusing, but read it through a couple times. Once you try it, you’ll get it. Students love it because they get marked up.You need a paintbrush and some red poster paint. Everyone stands or sits in a circle. Number everyone off.No.1 starts off by saying, "Ibble Dibble Number 1 with no Ibble Dibbles, calling Ibble Dibble...
Each player writes a fake name on a slip of paper and then passes it to the judge. After the judge receives all the slips, he mixes them up and writes the names on the board. The judge picks a person to start. This person chooses someone in the game and guesses what their name might be. "'Bob', I...
This game is in addition to the rules of Silent Animal Circle (Click Here). We call it King Elephant because the object is to go around the circle until you get to be King Elephant.The game is the same in that you have animal symbols and as you move a chair you become a new animal. We try to...
This game is a blast, though it can take a long time. Be prepared to make it your only game for the night!Have your group sit in a circle with one person, "the psychiatrist", questioning them while standing in the middle (it helps if the person playing the psychiatrist has never played before). They are briefed separately on the...