Everyone gets into 2 even teams and each team stands in a circle. Each team is then given a very long piece of string (25-50 feet) and told to weave it in and out of their arms and legs, around waists, and through one belt loop of every person with belt loops.The person at each end is given a...
A messy but simple game for groups under 50. Get a few bags of peanuts in the shell. Give every student one peanut. Have them go around and challenge each other to a BATTLE of the NUTS by simply pressing their peanuts up against each other until one of them breaks the shell. The student with their peanut still...
Like Football Team Quiz (Click Here). For a big group, break up into groups of 4 requiring at least one person on each team to be a little baseball savvy. Pass out one copy of the following list of clues of pro-teams to each team.For a small group, provide one sheet per person. (Answers in parentheses; of course you'll...
MAIN POINT: This game helps students get to know one another and work on communication.Split the group into girls and guys. (Leader's are excluded, as you will be the panel of judges.) Put teams on opposite sides of the room. Dedicate one person from each group to be "it". Give each group 5 minutes to find out as much about "it"...
Small group or travel game. The object is to spell a word of three or more letters. Each person adds a letter. The person who adds a letter that completes a whole word is out. Be very careful to notice any words. Often the second or third person will be out because they are thinking of a longer word...
Small group game. Break up into teams of 3-6. Give each group 5-10 random silly or unusual pictures (photos or from magazines) or project the pictures up on the screen.Each team comes up with a funny caption for each picture. After a designated time, have a representative from each team come up. One by one, hold up or project...
MAIN POINT: This game is a kickstarter for a discussion on money, greed, priorities, friends, or hearing God’s voice. Point out the confusion that may have occurred with all the pairs going at once, crowding around the container, “blinded by money”, trying to hear their partner’s directions.Preparation: 2 pennies per student and a bucket/cup.Divide your group into pairs. Issue each pair...