Big Room Games, Games & Icebreakers
This game is a gym version of the pool game "Sharks & Minnows." Using a basketball court or marking your own, you need...
Big Room Games, Games & Icebreakers
Protect the President
For this game, you need a volleyball-sized Nerf ball. Have your students stand in a wide circle with two people in the middle.One...
Games & Icebreakers, Mixers
Find Someone Who
Great for large or small groups. Give out the "Find Someone Who" list to students and have them go from student to student...
Games & Icebreakers, Mixers
Shuffle The Deck Mixer
Hand everyone a playing card as they come in. During the mixer call out different combinations that they have to form a group...
Games & Icebreakers, Up-Front Games
Spell My Feet
Take five people and have them take off their shoes and socks. Take a marker and write a large letter on the bottom...
Games & Icebreakers, Sick And Twisted Games, Up-Front Games
Snoot Shoot
This game is played up front with 3 or 4 people while the crowd watches. Give them each a certain number of Jelly...