Fun Event & Activity Ideas
Big Bad Boat Race
This is a great game for competition within small groups. Heck itÕs a great game even if you donÕt use a small group...
Movie Reviews
Knowing (7/7/2009)
Rated PG-13 for disaster sequences, disturbing images and brief strong language.Directed by Alex Proyas (I, Robot and The Crow)Starring Nicolas Cage, Rose Byrne,...
Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games
Field Noodle Hockey
This game is simple to play, and your kids are gonna love it.You need a couple/three beach balls, and two goals to play....
Movie Clip Discussions
Chronicles of Narnia, The – A Forgiven Past
(Disney, 2005)Main Point of Discussion: God forgives our past. online pharmacy prograf no prescription pharmacy The Movie Clip: “What’s done is done.”The Chronicles...
Movie Clip Discussions
Chronicles of Narnia, The – Jesus Forgives
(Disney, 2005)Main Point of Discussion: Jesus is willing to forgive us of our sin.The Movie Clip: “Every traitor belongs to me. His...