Rated PG-13 for intense violence and action, thematic elements and some sensuality. Starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Jai Courtney and Ray StevensonDirected by Neil Burger (The Illusionist)This movie is definitely more than just one thing.Based on Veronica Roth's #1 New York Times best-selling novel, “Divergent” is a gripping action thriller set in a futuristic world where society has...
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The-Walking-Dead-Season-FinaleWho are we?

That’s the big question of Season 4’s season finale, almost dwarfing the pressing issues at hand, like who these shrewd deceivers at Terminus really are.

The answer to this ladder question was never provided, as our group was finally reunited in the most unpleasant of circumstances at the end of the episode. The Walking Dead fans are forced to dangle on this colossal cliffhanger for the entire summer! (I haven’t been this anxious since someone shot J.R.! Sorry to those under 40 who have no clue what I am talking about.)

Sadly, the season finale of Season 4 probably left us in more suspense than any other season thus far. The only comfort we have is: 1. At least our group is all together again (save Beth) 2. And the confidence in Rick’s Rambo-like stare into the camera before he uttered the last line of the season…

“They’re screwing with the wrong people.”

(I think of Michael Gross in Tremors. “Broke into the wrong rec-room.. didn’t ya!”)

But the battle against the prevaricators of Terminus was not the forefront of this season finale. Instead, this episode peered into the

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Rated PG-13 for violence, disturbing images and brief suggestive content.Starring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins and Ray Winstone buy topamax online topamax online generic Directed by Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Black Swan, The Wrestler, The Fountain, and Requiem for a Dream)To say Darren Aronofsky took some artistic license with Noah, would be the understatement of the decade.Academy...
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Some kids are too cool to do anything.  Part peacock, part pubescent, their pride gets the best of them at almost every turn... NOT these kids.My kids will laugh at silly jokes.  They eat Happy Meals.  They watch kiddie shows and are unashamed.  They wear cat ears, 3D glasses with the lenses taken out, and give themselves names like...
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The-Walking-Dead-Season-FinaleSeason 4 has been quite a ride so far, starting with the struggle from within the prison, to the battle that tore down the walls, and the struggles our scattered group has faced on their own. Sunday night we’ll finally experience the end of the line… or “Terminus” … if you will.

So how can we prepare for the conversations The Walking Dead Season 4, Season Finale will provoke?


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The-Walking-Dead-TerminusTerminus: n. [tur-muh-nuhs] 1. The end of the line.  2. The end or extremity of anything. 3. The point toward which anything tends; goal or end.

In 1837 the Western and Atlantic Railroad drove a post into the ground declaring the end of the line, or “terminus” for the railroad. This post still stands in present day Atlanta. The 19th century city was actually called “Terminus” for a few years, toying with a few other names until 1845 when it was changed to “Atlantaca-Pacifica,” which was quickly shortened to Atlanta, the official name from 1847 to present.

For weeks The Walking Dead fans have been wondering about a place called Terminus. In the fallout of the prison massacre our scattered group have all encountered

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