As the season finale’ rapidly approaches, Rick slowly seems to be derailing…
Or does he?
For five seasons Rick has carried the burden of leader, making life and death decisions for the group and bearing the full weight of the consequences whenever circumstances turn for the worse. He’s provided hope in an otherwise hopeless scenario, and he’s chased off danger countless times.
But for the last few episodes Rick’s actions almost seem… questionable.
The community of Alexandria might be an incredible asset, but the people who live there are a liability.
Maybe it’s the fact that they have lived behind walls for too long. Maybe their little community cultivates a climate of cowards… whatever the reason, the Alexandrians seem to lack any degree of moral fiber. When it hits the fan, they abandon their friends and run.
This week was a tough week to watch for many. My wife Lori was emotionally shook after watching the episode. It’s difficult to lose people we’ve grown to love, amiable characters like