Gather your group and have them sit in a circle. This is a simple game consisting of 2 words- "Zip" and "Zap". One person will begin the "flow" by turning to the person next to them and saying "Zip". The flow will continue in the same direction with everyone saying "Zip" until someone decides to reverse the flow by...
MAIN POINT: Teamwork.Choose two teams of four. Have the teams lie on their backs in a circle with their feet raised to meet in the middle, balancing a bucket of water on their feet. Each team member must remove his/her shoes without spilling the water. This can be a class competition. Have some towels handy.Added by Young Life
Get several guy-girl teams to take turns feeding each other bananas while all are blindfolded. First, let boys feed girls. Then get girls to feed boys, but first, take off the girls' blindfolds. Boys get it in the ear!Added by Young LifeAlso, see Bobbing for Bananas (Click Here). Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, January 20, 2004 In This Issue Featured: Yet Another Super Bowl Party Idea Something You Can...
Bring 2 guys and 2 girls up (or one student from each grade). Give each student a pile of cotton balls. They must move the pile to another location of your choice (could be next to them on the table or across the room in a bowl, etc.) by putting Vaseline on their noses and picking up the cotton...
Have 3 kids with ski poles jump side to side over a pillow that is on the ground. Behind them is a chair. When the crowd yells "Bump!" on cue from the leader, they must sit down on the chair and burst the balloon. Say it’s a 5-bump course to be done for time, and be sure to have...
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy actos over the counter with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy singulair for sale no prescription This is a great game to precede a talk on dating or sex.Tell a quick disaster date story about asking someone out, telling the crowd that you will need their help. To do this, re-enact your...