Make a heart-shaped target and fasten it to a guy’s back (be sure to choose a "solid" couple who sets a good example of dating in your group; pick married sponsors, if nothing else). Give his girlfriend a bow and arrow (with suction cups on arrows) and she stands about 20 feet away and is given 6 arrows.The idea...
Use a huge piece of paper or a sheet and draw three people on it. Cut out a space for their nose. Three people are chosen from the audience to stick their noses through the holes. The paper has to be big enough to hide their bodies. The rest of the kids try to see if they can "pick"...
You need several ears of corn. Select 3 volunteers to "shuck" an ear of corn using only their bare feet. No hands allowed. Put a tarp down if indoors.Whoever finishes first, or has done the best job within a given time is the winner. Award an appropriate prize, such as a bag of corn chips or corn nuts.Idea from...
Divide students into teams of 4-6. Give each team enough newspaper and tape to build a newspaper shelter of some kind. It must be big enough to get three team members inside. The Big Bad Wolf (youth leader) then attempts to blow the shelter down. Award a prize to the team that did the best job. Afterward, have a...
Bring three guys with really short hair up front. Have them dip their heads in tins filled with chocolate sauce. Others hold large pieces of cardboard for them to draw or write on. Write words. Draw pictures. Use your imagination. You can have the crowd guess what the pictures are, vote on whoever drew the best picture, or turn...
Ask for 3 or 4 volunteers to come up front. On "go" the contestants take an Oreo, twist it open, moisten the creamier side with their tongue, and stick it to their forehead. Then, without using their hands, they try to contort their faces to maneuver the Oreo down their face and into their mouth. The first one to...
All you need is a flat, ordinary bathroom scale. Each person holds the scale with two hands and squeezes it, pressing as hard as possible to register the highest weight on the scale. Or, you could have two people, one holding the scale and the other pushing, attempt to register their highest weight on the scale.Idea from Young Life...